Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Katie Price: 'I'm not happy with my boobs'

Katie Price: 'I'm not happy with my boobs'- Despite often being pictured in garments so small that they barely pass as clothing, Katie Price reveals that she doesn’t actually see herself as being sexy...
With all the raunchy photo-shoots that business-woman Katie Price has done over the years, we thought that we had seen every side to her possible. So, it was refreshing to hear that, in an interview with Heat magazine, the former glamour girl showed a side that few people have ever seen: her vulnerable side. In the interview, Katie talks frankly about her body and reveals that, despite her risqué outfit choices, she doesn't see herself as being sexy.

"I'm not sexy at all, I'm sexual," she said. "If you're with someone who makes you feel sexy, then you're sexy. I don't wake up and think, 'God, I'm sexy!'" We think many lads across the country would beg to differ.
Katie also opens up about how often she indulges in Botox. She said, "I'm not really wrinkly, anyway. I probably don't even need it. I only do it because everyone else has it done. Botox isn't a big deal for me - it's like going shopping."

Read more: http://celebrity.uk.msn.com/features/katie-price-i%E2%80%99m-not-sexy-at-all