Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Dark Knight Rises to film at Occupy Wall Street Protests

The Dark Knight Rises to film at Occupy Wall Street protests- New Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. According to the Los Angeles Times, the production has left LA for New York City, where it will shoot for two weeks, beginning October 29th. An anonymous source close to the film said that actors have been informed that some scenes may be shot at the movement’s headquarters of Zuccotti Park, and the paper speculates that Nolan could simply be using Occupy Wall Street as a backdrop for a scene from the original shooting script. Of course, it’s possible that the demonstration will have been evicted from the park by the time The Dark Night Rises arrives  but we have to imagine that, if the city economy stands to profit from the shoot, Mayor Bloomberg will do his best to ensure that no one gets kicked out before it’s through.